Stuff Your Reader!

I know some of you get tired of these emails and social media posts that are nothing but go get free books!

But let me share something I've discovered. Some if not all of my books are on the pirated sites. 

Its depressing and hurtful to see that in terms of numbers - those pirated sites have more downloads of my books than I've had monetary sales of my books.

Fighting the pirating sites is like arm wrestling with multiple octopi when both of your arms are tied to your left thigh. 

So my (and many other author's) solution is to offer the bookfunnel promos and participate in Stuff Your Reader Days to introduce ourselves to new-to-us readers and hopefully make those pirate sites obsolete.

We understand the urge to want something for free.

We want to entertain you.
We want you to dive head first into our worlds.
We want you to think of our characters as your heros, best friends, and soul sisters.
Our men as your book boyfriends, brothers, and best friends.
Our bad guys as your arch nemesis.

BUT we also deserve to get paid for the blood, sweat, tears, and mental prowess it takes to manhandle a book into being.

We can only ask you to request our books at your local libraries so much.
We can only beg so much.
We can only say please don't take my work and treat it like it has no value.

Go forth to "Stuff Your Reader!" and Read Free Books!

Shai August